If I do the work to heal myself, I am able to be a better mother.

My becoming………

“soulFULLy momming”

I did not get it! I did not get the fairytale that I was imagining ever since childhood playing with my dolls and dollhouse. I didn’t get the traditional family system of a husband, wife, children and dog. What did I get? I got the child and the dog! Go figure!

Unbeknownest to me, the child is EXACTLY what I needed. The child forced me to stop and reflect in a way that I have never done. I had lived my life on my own terms, smart, spoiled and stubborn. Did that work for me? Oh, no, but because I was ignorant, I kept repeating the same toxic actions and toxic cycles, becoming accoustomed to that way of being as ‘normal’ for me.

When women heal themselves, they heal the world.
— Natasha Bray

Peace and blessings to you! We are so glad that you are here! This site is a space created for women who desire to be a mother who is “soulFULLy momming”. SoulFULLy Momming is when a woman has healed her inner child and is in position to be a mother with a FULL heart and soul, a peaceful and intentional mind and free of past trauma and baggage.

Soul to Soul Connections and Conversations

Meet the Team

Ulanda P. James, M.Ed.
Founder and CEO

Lydia Grace James
Catalyst for Change

Our Services

Parenting Coaching

Soul to Soul Connections and Conversations with you and your child/ren to discuss ways to better communicate, work cooperatively as a strong family system and create lasting rituals and family traditions.

Individual Coaching Sessions

Soul to Soul Connections and Conversations where you are in a safe and sacred space to share your wonderings, how you are noticing repeated patterns, and how you have a desire to elevate your way of being and living.